Hello, eXplorer(s)!
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to Connect Journey Maps:
1. Log in the PX platform and click on Journeys on the menu.
2 Click on the Journey to open it.
3 This is payment journey, that comes before a ongoing journey, for example. See the payment journey last stage – Receipt – and click on the Gear icon.
4 In the image below find the Journey Connections and choose the journey that follows this one.
5 Now, select the ongoing journey map first stage – Delivery- to be connected to the payment journey last stage – Receipt.
6 Lastly, click on the purple button Connect.
7 Note que um símbolo de corrente apareceu ao lado da engrenagem e uma faixa roxo apareceu no topo do mapa da jornada. Clique na faixa roxa indicada pela seta.
8 Here are the connected journeys! You may export it to PDF by clicking on the purple button Download. See here, at step 3, how to customize the PDF.
Connect as many Journey Maps as you want!
See you in the next tutorial and keep sharing good experiences with PeopleXperience! 💙